
This project began as an exploration of the idea of inspiration itself. To me the image of the heroine represents the source of my desire to create. It is feminine but strong. It is attractive but ominous. It is the overcoming of fear in order to reap the rewards of making something. I often refer back to this image as a reminder before delving into new projects. It is like my good luck charm. The final image is a stamp style print from a hand carved linoleum block.

  • Heroine_Portfolio_Main
  • I created this vector and then transferred it to a linoleum block via graphite paper
  • The carved and inked Linoleum block and other materials
  • Heroine_Portfolio_3
  • Some test prints using different materials and print methods
  • Heroine_Portfolio_5
  • A full color version created by digitally layering and coloring different prints
  • Im on Instagram