She Lives.

“She Lives” is a digital art project that was later adapted for print on apparel. “She Lives” is about identity and the masks we wear. It was intended to make reference to an ominous yet optimistic idea that the truth or shining light of who we really are exists inside each person. That truth is personified here as a female face very similar to the ancient Egyptian goddess known as “Maat”. The Triangular geometric pattern is a reference to ancient Egyptian pyramids and more specifically certain “Pyramid Texts” that contain examples of “Maat”. The graphic encourages people to seek out this inner truth because “She Lives”. The Final result is shown below followed by a recap of the steps used in the process.

  • She_Lives_Main
  • The first test shot for this project. This shot acted as a control for the following experimentation.
  • The original idea was to try and recreate the contours of the mask using light separated into an array of dots. I used 2 LED bike lights (1 white and 1 red) shining through a perforated paper.
  • Continued experimentation using a third spot light. I was looking for the best visual description of the facial features.
  • Unable to get crisp dots to follow the contours of the mask, I moved on, exploring different concepts.
  • I eventually stumbled on a light leak method that could produce very bright colors. This was achieved by shining both of the bike lights into the lens during a long exposure. These photos are the raw images as the camera captured them. They have had no treatment whatsoever.
  • These two photos masked on top of each other were the only pictures used to create the final image. There is no illustration or digital paint aside from the geometric pattern below, only photography.
  • She_Lives_7
  • This design was later adapted for print on apparel. These are the Cyan and Magenta separations.
  • These are the yellow and black separations
  • A detail shot of the layered separations.
  • This is a 4 color CMYK process screen print using the separations show above. This screen printed version ended up looking very different from the digital original.
  • Im on Instagram