Truco Threads Photo Shoot Creative Direction.

Recently I was tasked with Creative Directing a photo shoot for Truco Threads, a new brand out of NYC. The goal was to produce Truco evergreen imagery that shows the two sides of the new brand. First, it’s roots in classic American themes. Second, how it integrates those themes into a modern style. For the first part, I chose to portray classic American personalities and ideals. For example, a “American Pride” figure waving a flag and a wandering “lone ranger” figure walking an empty street. For the second part, with the help of the photographer and stylist, I remixed the personalities using new styling and locations to give a modern spin to the “American Pride” and “Lone Ranger” figures. Selected images from the shoot are shown below.

Photographer: Stephanie Page
Stylist: Lindsey Barrow
Hair and Makeup: GP Exclusives
Model 1: Frisco Ladd
Model 2: Dillon Stokes

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